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Asia is top outbound destination for Chinese holiday makers this summer

07/05/2024| 4:26:27 PM|

Travel orders of Chinese tourists to the Southeast Asian country surged over 140 percent this summer from a year earlier.

Nine of the 10 top international destinations for Chinese tourists this summer are in Asia, according to data from the online travel platform Qunar.com.

Even though the Union of European Football Associations’ European Soccer Championship in Germany and the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics in France increased Europe’s popularity as a destination for Chinese travelers, Asian countries remain the top destinations, mainly thanks to visa-free policies for Chinese citizens.

Malaysia, Qatar, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates, all countries that do not require visas for Chinese passport holders, are among the most popular Asian destinations this summer, even more popular than before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, according to Qunar.Com.

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TAGS: Asia | outbound destination | Chinese holiday makers
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